80/25 MBit/s DSL for EUR25.20/month
Compare now Internet Access DSL 80 Small Business with offers of other providers and save money.
keine Servicepauschale
Bandwidth guaranteed
Uninterrupted connection
Static IP Address
Mail account included
mail.oja.at (Incoming server)
mail.oja.at (Outgoing server)
Self description of oja.at GmbH:
81920/25600 kbit/s Bandbreite W-Lan Router AVM Fritz! Box 7530, 7590 Zyxel DX3301, Zyxel VMG4005 statische IP-Adresse keine Zwangstrennung statische IP E-Mail mit Spam- & Virenschutz 12 Monate Bindung
Last modified: Mar 5, 2025
GeoIP : Austria
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On providerliste.at Listed since 2015
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